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Kids Oracle Cards

Kids Oracle Cards

About Angels

Angels are high and beautiful Beings of Light – Messengers from God – who are ready and willing to help us in every way possible. They only wait to be asked. You can ask the Angels to Lighten up any area of your life. They are waiting and longing to help but under Spiritual Law, as we have free will they cannot do so unless you ask them to. The moment you ask, they are delighted to assist you, protect you and smooth your path whenever possible.


Guardian Angels

We each have our own Guardian Angel who is with us at all times, lovingly radiating Light and Guidance towards us and prompting us to do what is right. Your Guardian Angel will guide you through any challenge and will stand by you holding you in love and compassion and helping to ease the situation. You will always be given help, either directly or indirectly, such as being guided to a book with an answer in it, hearing something really helpful on radio or tv or through a friend giving you the right information.


Angels for every area of your Life

Along with your Guardian Angel, there are Angels who can help in every area of our lives such as Angels of Healing, Angels of Love, Angels of Peace, Angels of Protection, Angels of your home, your car etc. You can call on these Angels at any time – all you have to do is ask. It is helpful if you take the time to centre yourself first, calm turbulent emotions, and breathe in and surround yourself with the colour gold – the colour the Angels vibrate with, making it easier for them to connect with you. When you ask the Angels to help, a bridge of light is created which allows them do their work. When enough people do this a very high light frequency is generated which can transform any situation. As more and more people call on the Angels the balance will shift from turmoil to peace and love. We all have a part to play to change things for the better. Together Humans and Angels have the power to heal and change the world. As each of us individually experience more joy, love and peace, it has a ripple effect – touching off everyone and everything else around us – giving us the possibility of creating Heaven on Earth.




The Team

Srimanju Katragadda is a Spiritual Healer & Teacher. She views life as Magic, it’s all about discovering it and experiencing this beautiful journey of life. Her Passion is in bringing Art, Healing Crystal Jewellery, Reiki and Mindfulness together. Srimanju works with clients to raise the awareness in connecting to their own inner guidance. She teaches different Intuitive tools and Techniques from Reiki, Pranic Healing, Seichem, Angels, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Cleansing, Akashic Record Reading, Angel Card Reading, and Healing through Art, Meditations, and Mindfulness that all lead to connecting with the Inner guidance of the Soul. She teaches Mindfulness and Healing through Art to children. She also takes part in Well-being events in Corporate companies and schools. Her inspiration comes from children as she began her own journey and awakening moment after having her second child in 2009.

Norma Brewer graduated from Visual Communications, DIT Ireland in 1995. She worked as graphic designer in the USA for nine years after which time she returned home to Ireland. Illustration has always been a passion for her, often featuring in her design work. She was recently commissioned to illustrate a set of primary education school books. Norma has worked with children over many years at various summer and art camps. She also enjoys working with glass, clay and wood in her spare time.

Our Mission is to enable the app and decks to reach to as many children as possible.

“If every 8 year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation.” Dalai Lama

    $18.00 Regular Price
    $15.30Sale Price

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