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Holistic Healing Workshops

Explore Holistic Healing Workshops With Srimanju Katragadda.

Are you looking to set yourself on a better path? Do you want to seek out holistic healing treatments that you can practice at home, on yourself and others? Learning to embrace holistic healing treatments has never been easier. Thanks to effective holistic healing workshops offered by Srimanju, you can enjoy workshops online and in-person based on your goals and desires. To prepare you for your first workshop with Srimanju, let's introduce you to a few of the courses.

Holistic Healing Workshops: Experience Healing With Srimanju

When it comes time to experience healing with Srimanju, there will be a range of potential workshops for clients to choose from. Holistic healing is healing that is focused on the entirety of the individual, from mind and body to spirit and emotions. This type of holistic healing takes place in several different forms when you work with Srimanju.

1) Reiki Workshops - Srimanju is a certified Reiki Master teacher and healer for the mind, body, and spirit. Srimanju showcases Reiki Level 1, 2, and 3 Workshops as well as Kundalini Reiki Master coursework.
2) Mindfulness Meditation For Kids - Mindfulness can be a powerful tool in individuals of all ages. If you want to teach your children the foundational importance of mindfulness, this workshop is an ideal way to do so.
3) Angel Card Reading Workshop - This online course is ideal for experienced and inexperienced individuals. Students will learn how to perform an angel reading while empowering their clairvoyant tools.

Srimanju Katragadda is a published author at Hay House Publishing. Srimanju is also a motivational speaker and spiritual healer as well as the co-creator of a series of Kid's Angel Cards. With years of experience as a Reiki Master and Mindful professional, Srimanju is more than prepared to help you work on your holistic healing treatments and workshops.

Head to the online shop today to Experience Healing with Srimanju!

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